
Monday, September 4, 2023

September goals

 I have a broad set of intentions for this month around becoming healthier and being happy. I’m trying to each day track if I do my Pilates program, miles walked outside, something I enjoyed and people I  interacted with happily. We will see if this works.

I will be trying to come up with fun and interesting things to do and socialize some.

Otherwise my goals for September are to do list oriented.

  • Power through 25 items remaining on my move to do list. Some will take minutes and others many hours.
  • Make list of home repairs and improvements to do the rest of the year including needed and wanted purchases.
  • Hem pair of pants.
  • Make plant decisions, a landscape plan and stages of installation.
  • Clear garage as much as possible and decide on better storage solutions
  • Shop for few needed cool weather clothing items so I am not cold all the time!


  1. I never fail to be impressed with how you live intentionally with a clear road map of where you want to go and how to get there.

    1. Thanks - if only I would actually do the exercise and socializing goals.

  2. Sounds like you know what you want to accomplish Juhli. I feel a bit lazy these days. Your list inspired me to come up with a list of my own. My business clothes which will probably never be worn again need to be purged. I have been procrastinating forever. I will leave only a couple of jackets and tailored pants just in case I need to attend something that I cannot think of now. I think, this should be a priority on my list.

    1. Decluttering is endless even if we don't buy much! Good luck.

  3. My favorites of your goals are shopping for new warmer clothes and buying plants and determining when and where to plant. The other items sound like work. Boo!! But that's the way with goals. I haven't fared well on my summer goals. Need to write an update and look forward not back.


March Reads - First half

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