
Thursday, September 7, 2023

Thrifty & Thankful Thursday

Thrifty stuff - 

1. We worked on the yard in any way that we could contribute. Hubby especially did quite a bit of laying out the stones in the patio that we would have had to pay for otherwise. I did pruning and clean up in several areas. We are also scaling back plant purchases where possible. We can always add more.

2. We had 25 bags of yard waste hauled away for no extra cost just by setting up a free extra pick up. A neighbor volunteered to set up a pick up on her account so 19 more bags go for free next week. Fact: only one bag fits in our green waste bin per week so this is huge. We gave away concrete stepping stones through Buy Nothing and one of the workers is taking the old small flagstone pieces and large textile bags the gravel, etc. are delivered in. It all reduces our eventual hauling and dump fees.

3. I accepted an old North Face backpack through Buy Nothing to create a second emergency “Go Bag”. I still need to get them stocked.

4. Making sure to brush and comb the pup to avoid extra grooming charges.

5. All the usual of cleaning our house ourselves, cooking at home, no food waste, mending, etc.

Thankful stuff -

Having substantial conversations with 3 of my neighbors. I am thankful that I am getting to know them better and like them.

Our son for bringing up the topic of where each of us would want to live if the other died and we could not manage on our own. They are adding on to their house and one option could create a sort of ADA/multipurpose space. If they choose to add on in that area they wanted to know if either of us might want to live there eventually so they could factor in some ADA features. My ❤️ is full.


  1. Buy Nothing is such a great idea. We have it in our summer town, a northern suburb of Seattle. Last winter I started a Buy Nothing in the Tucson retirement community where we live in the winter. It's a hit there, also.

  2. You raised him right!! What a thoughtful son. Did any of his grandparents ever live with you guys? A year after we moved to Memphis, my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer in Missouri. My parents had purchased our house with a guest bedroom on the first floor with her in mind. At one point they thought they were going to have to put my grandmother in the back of the station wagon and drive her from Springfield to Memphis. But she failed faster than anyone could have imagined and it did not come to pass. We have a downstairs guest bedroom, too, but only one parent still living.


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