
Saturday, September 2, 2023

August Goals Recap

Here's my goals and progress for August. I’m happy with what was accomplished.


  • Increase emergency water supply - added 5 gallons so have a 3 day survival supply.
  • Deep clean kitchen & larger bedroom - except for windows and mopping floors which is a whole separate project!
  • Small home repairs & improvements done by Hubby - fixed gate latch & hole in wall that plumbers made.
  • Landscaping begun (8/7) and paid up to date
  • Complete termite work and pay fully
  • Complete plumbing work and pay fully
  • Work on better use of bonus room  - for now it is primarily going to be for exercising but art has been hung and I have my dresser in a small niche in there; now to actually exercise!
  • Brief visit by older son & DIL 
  • 3 day Nana & Papa camp for 6 year old 
  • Have 2 “dates” with Hubby exploring area - One date for lunch at a new to us restaurant and the other was my birthday adventure.
  • Make short list of clothing needed vs wanted and shop when needed - bought  PJ pants & 2 pairs of shoes that were priorities 
  • List needed vs wanted household items and shop when needed only - this worked too

  • Give away 20 items on BN or donate elsewhere - managed 12 not 20
  • Use up 6 freezer or pantry items - this was not a well thought out goal as we usually replace anything we use. Did use up some duplicates.
  • Exercise at least 3 days a week (stretch/Pilates session, arms with weights and/or long walks or active yard/house work) - I do think my activity level increased but not enough
  • Set up leak alert app with water company
  • Work on better use of upstairs closet
  • Work on better linen storage
  • Pick up 6 year old after school one day a week for Nana and Papa time (twice this month) - so far she is enjoying after school program and prefers that so we will find other times to be together
  • Invite neighbors over
  • Volunteer for something in group joined



  1. You got a lot accomplished esp with the yard and the termite stuff. There's always something to do:) Our gardens are winding down so not too much processing at the moment. Plus with the small rains we're having, we're not watering so much!!

  2. Oooo, I like the use of red, yellow and green. May borrow that. And the idea of using up some items in the freezer as a monthly (or seasonal) goal. I need to dig around in there and find some treasures we need to use up. Great idea.

    I have made an unofficial goal of offering to help my daughter once a week by taking the girls to school. I was subbing so much this time last year that it wasn't possible but I haven't had a single substitute teaching job yet this school year. But the year is young. Also going to volunteer in Lucia's school and maybe at KinderCare, for Cami, if they allow volunteers there.

    You have accomplished so much with your house. Good work!! That's a lot of green!! In more ways than one.


Road trip part 1: Freeways, bookstore, museum and family

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