
Thursday, May 20, 2021

Thankful this week for ...

What does it say about the state of your life when a peak of happiness occurs once you find out you can renew your driver's license online rather than going to the DMV? Regardless, I am thankful that they let me do it instead of having to show up, take a written test, eye test and photo.

I was also thankful that we were able to get the final inspection for our attic re-insulation scheduled quickly and it is done.

I know there are lots of problems with Amazon's management practices yet I was thankful that I could order a couple of items rather than keep trying to find a store nearby that carried them. I'm training my dog to go outside in the morning using a retractable leash so that Hubby won't have to get up so early to take her out during my recovery period. The close by pet store doesn't carry them. I also really wanted some Chai green teabags and couldn't find them at the 3 stores tried. Enter Amazon for both.

I also replaced a rusting muffin tin and now have 2 really nice ones. We like muffins.

I may have already mentioned that our Friends of the Library bookstore is now open on a limited basis. It was so nice to be able to walk in there and buy some used books for when I am couch bound and support the library at the same time.

The biggest thanks are reserved for a nice long visit from my older son and DIL last Sunday. This was postponed from Mother's Day since I was sick that weekend. So delightful to spend time with them always.


  1. I love Amazon. Saves a lot of running around. And the retractable leash really will make your life easier.

    1. It sure will be easier and safer. I almost tipped over in the flower bed last summer trying to take her out while I was using the knee scooter. She is a fast learner too so that is good. After all these years of telling her to heel and not go out the door until told I'm saying "go on by yourself" lol.

  2. Harvey buys quite a bit from Amazon and now he has discovered Ebay.

    Me, it is usually books from Chapters/Indigo, and the occasional pattern from McCalls. Holding off on fabric and yarn cause those I seem to need to squeeze or see the colour of.

    God bless.

    1. I'm a library junkie mostly for books although I do buy some I can't find there. I do need to remember to get a membership for the county library system in addition to our local library as then I will have access to lots more Kindle books.

  3. I think many of us have a growing appreciation for all the areas in our life that can be simplified with online capabilities. Going to the DMV for any reason is a time-consuming, sometimes frustrating experience. Good for you for getting your license renewed online! We're using Amazon more and more. I had to laugh because once my husband discovered that he could order replacement parts for his collection of old style lawn mowers, he's been getting more packages than me! You just can't beat the convenience either. Very happy to hear that your older son and DIL visited you. Nothing better than those family gatherings!

    1. I was lucky with the DMV. The only reason they are allowing us over 70s to do it online is the pandemic. Online ordering is terribly convenient although I really don't like trying to buy clothing that way - too many paid returns.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...