
Friday, March 19, 2021

Same as last time: chills, aches, etc.

 We got our second vaccine shots at 3:15 pm on the dot yesterday as there was no wait. The first one was around 10 am. That means the peak side effects are hitting me during the day instead of during the night.

So far same ones though although I will admit to being wimpier about them when awake. Nothing Tylenol can’t address and I am so grateful to be here experiencing them!

Tomorrow will probably see all but some arm soreness gone. Hubby has actually been out for his usual bike ride today while I have been trying to get warm! However, about 18 hours after my symptoms started his began. Just like last time.

We thought we both might react worse this time so stopped at Trader Joe’s on the way home and bought microwaveable food for lunches and dinner. I also made a nice chicken rice and veggie soup yesterday morning so we have lots of minimum prep options.


  1. I am glad that you are not having worse symptoms and can control them with Tylenol. Hope you are better tomorrow.

    God bless.

  2. ... but it's done. Congrats!

    1. We are not complaining and actually thought it would be worse this time! So grateful.

  3. I got my second shot yesterday too. This time there was no wait what so ever and that kind of worries me. Those of us who got the first shot at the same time were automatically scheduled to come back at the same time and there was a very long and time consuming line for the first vaccine.

    My only symptom was the same as last time. Too sleepy to stay awake afterward. Took a 3 hour nap!

  4. Congratulations to you both, Juhli, which seems a bit strange to say when you're both feeling poorly. 😕

    I get my first shot tomorrow in the late afternoon so hopefully I will sleep through any side effects. I'm just thrilled to get it!

    1. We are thrilled too. Glad you got scheduled.

  5. Glad to hear you're both coping with the after effects. I got my shot yesterday morning, and had rapid heartbeat around midnight. Some arm soreness, but all in all, I'm happy for all of us!!

  6. Glad you did ok and yes, we are the fortunate ones in the world.


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