
Saturday, November 10, 2018

S Cal fires

They came very close to our community. We evacuated so we could be sure to get to my FIL funeral and stayed with our son. Home now but cable service is down due to fire so no internet except by phone. Small problems. My heart goes out to all those terribly affected by the fires.


  1. How is the air quality where you are? If for no other reason, it was probably good that you left for a bit.

    We can see the smoke flowing out over the ocean, even though we're a good 80 miles south from Malibu, so I can only imagine how bad it is closer in. So far it would appear the winds have been calm. Hoping hard that they stay that way until the red flag warning gets lifted. Take care in the interim Juhli.

    1. Thank you. It smells really smokey outside but we are just not taking walks. Internet back on and we are very grateful not to be in the path of the fire. Horrible the deaths and destruction.

  2. I was thinking about you and being close to Ventura. Glad you're safe. We are about 2 hours from Chico so Paradise is another 30 minutes. We've been there numerous times as my husband used to service the local health food store. It's just tragic. The whole town gone.

    1. That fire moved so fast and killed so many people. Horrible. Glad you are safe too.

    2. I think we would all agree that loss of propert can be overcome since insurance would make most of us whole again, financially speaking. But the terrible loss of life is what is getting to me with these fires. I'm a native Californian, and I've seen my share of wildfires, but to think of people being overcome by smoke and fire when attempting to flee is just breaking my heart.

    3. So very sad. Sending up prayers for California.

  3. Happy to hear that you and yours are okay. Do stay inside as much as you can, I understand the smoke is often worse than it seems, at least for us here. Horrible the way it's moving so quickly.

  4. Thinking of you. What a tough time you have had lately. I am sorry for your struggles but glad to know you are safe. XO


Five plus on Friday

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