
Monday, November 12, 2018

150 Paper Planes!

We are in the midst of a fun project to help decorate for our granddaughter's 2nd birthday party. She is a great airplane spotter and gets excited when she sees them so the theme is female aviator. 300 paper planes are being made and we are doing half.

Our assignment was tan and red paper which turned into ivory and red due to trouble sourcing in time.

All the planes will be hanging on fish line in the dining room. Something like this but many, many more planes. I'll take pictures!

It is nice to have a distraction from all the events of last week. We are certainly looking forward to her party and then to Thanksgiving at our house.


  1. Thankful that you have this sweet distraction!! Can't wait to see photos of her face on the big day. Have you read the book A Thousand Paper Cranes? Children's picture book that is sad but sweet and so inspirational. Stay safe.

    1. I have not read that book but will look for it. We are getting excited about seeing her soon.

  2. What a cute party theme. Happy distractions are always welcome.

  3. Sorry to hear about your FIL so please accept condolences. As for airplanes ... who knew it was a thing? Our 20-month-old grandson is also fascinated with things that fly, from birds to airplanes to helicopters and anything else overhead. Enjoy the party!


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