
Friday, November 2, 2018

One month down - 11 goals for 11 months


I have some things to accomplish before I turn 70 on September 1, 2019 - 11 goals for 11 months

October saw some progress.

HEALTH: Get off my butt - or at least off the computer!
4 yoga & 2 stretch sessions
·       Stretch DVD - 10/2, 6
·       Yoga class – 10/12, 16, 22, 29

GROW ME: More experiences!
·       Volunteering more is not turning out as planned. No one else would take on being the President of the Pet Club so I said I would do it for the rest of the year. Now need to find someone to take over 3 officer roles and go back to being Treasurer only.
·       Brainstorming vacation options: We decided to plan a trip to Santa Fe/Taos.
·       Live theater - “Into the Woods”.
·       Movie – “A Star is Born”
·       Agreed to research selling women’s club piano to help fund AC for building.

LOVE: Love and be loved!
·       Had dinner w. FIL & great aunt 2x; lunch w. FIL, BIL, nieces, nephew; lunch/wedding photo viewing with son & DIL, agreed to host Thanksgiving dinner
·       Spent time with friends at book discussion group, Women’s Club meeting, lunch with friends,

JUST DO IT: Get more done!
·       Made a monthly chart of irregular medical & vet appointments, car servicing, bills, etc.
·       Bought a down comforter to replace one that no longer is in good shape. Still trying to figure out what to do with the old unusable one.
·       Bought a cushion for the car passenger seat to help avoid pain on long trips.


  1. Great goals and great progress! I have had a similar experience with volunteering. I took on one executive role that ended up lasting 4 years and another 2 years, with no one willing to step up and take a turn after me. This has, unfortunately, led me to avoid any significant roles in the organization. On the plus side, I have found more casual opportunities elsewhere.

    Animal shelters and kennels will usually take bedding and towels!

    - Dar at anexactinglife

    1. Yes, volunteering can quickly lead to long term major commitments! Unfortunately animal shelters don't want down filled items. I just don't want to put it in the landfill but also don't want to try to take it apart and remake it lol.

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  3. Hate to tell you, but pianos are a thing of the past. My friend actually had to pay to give it away!
    Love the goals. Maybe I should do the same!
    Cheers for the accomplishments!

    1. I know about most pianos. Apparently since this is a parlor grand player piano there is a market within the people who restore them. We'll see.


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