
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Happy 2nd Birthday

It was way fun to spend time with an almost 2 year old granddaughter for 3 days. She is strong, smart, creative, focused and knows what she wants. The 2 year old drama is there too of course.

We had extra time with her because her daycare was closed Friday because of the fires. We spent the time singing silly songs, marching around and much more. All the time we were there was spent indoors because the wildfires in N Cal made the air quality awful.

The birthday party was a success although she was mostly focused on playing as usual and not that interested in the decorations LOL. Many more paper airplanes were made than were hung although Hubby and Auntie made mobiles of them to hang outside too in place of balloons. It was really cute! There was even a toy plane cake topper.

Our drive home included lots of discussion about if we will move again to be close to her now that my FIL has died and, if so, how we will make a decision about location and timing. We are still tired from the last move but will probably eventually make this one. Lots to consider.


  1. I'm thinking about you folks out there with the sole and other fire effects. Hopefully you will get some rain and that will help? Another move? A tough decision.

    1. Thanks Barbara. The air quality is ok here but awful in N Cal. Fortunately we had N95 masks in our emergency kit in the car and were able to provide them for all the adults. Children just had to stay indoors.

  2. The fire situation is so very sad. Glad it didn't 'dampen' the birthday celebrations. The efforts of all involved are so sweet...all of the paper plane folding and hanging! I swore I would never ever ever move again but facing Thanksgiving alone tomorrow makes me think I might reconsider and move closer to one daughter or the other. Have a beautiful day tomorrow.

    1. Thank you Leslie. We are near our other son and DIL but their future location plans are up in the air. We will think about it all next year! Hope you find a solution that works for you.

  3. That is a lot to think about - but also nice to have options. Hoping the fires and air quality problems will be gone soon.

    - dar @ anexactinglife

    1. Thank you. Still smells smokey - like a wet campfire here but N. Cal had lots of rain which helped a lot. We are postponing thinking until 2019 sometime.


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