
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Dear Stuff: Quit breaking down until after the house closes please!

Keep your fingers crossed that we get to April 14th with nothing else breaking.

Yesterday it was the microwave that gave up the ghost. Granted it was over 20 years old but still...

Before that it was the split heat pump/AC that wouldn't work properly.

Hope this doesn't come in 3's!


  1. So frustrating I am sure! Perhaps takeout until the house closes? :-(

    1. There will be take out and restaurants I'm sure. I just found out my favorite coffee place opens at 7am on week days and may start opening at 6:30 due to the freeway bridge collapse and closure here in Atlanta. People are leaving earlier for work apparently. Works for me as they have some breakfast items.

  2. Seems like someone having bad time, it happens at times and I just hope it will be vanish soon. Keep us updated about latest happenings

  3. I am certain house problems come only in twos. You are home free. Sorry that you are having these last minute struggles.

    1. Thanks. In the scope of life they are more annoyances. We came out of the recent storm with just branches to pick up while a neighbor had a tree go through his roof.

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