
Friday, July 25, 2014

Stepping out of my comfort zone

In less than two hours I am hopping into a friend's car for the drive to The Parker Ranch in N. Georgia to attend a 3 day Workshop in Memoir and Creative Nonfiction Writing with author Janisse Ray. Two attendees cancelled at the last minute and I know how they feel. Bring a 3 to 5 minute long writing sample to read out loud? I didn't have one so I wrote the short  piece about my Mom and Turkey Run State Park that I shared earlier. It will probably take a whole minute to read LOL.

I am uncomfortable with what I anticipate the workshop will be like and unsure if I can focus for that many days on writing. Yet when it was announced I was eager to sign up! Why do I do this to myself?

I want to expand my life and can imagine all sorts of experiences that I would enjoy but when it comes to doing them I pull back. I am fighting that feeling and forging forward this time and hopefully many times in the future. I'll let you know how it turns out.

* The Parker Ranch is operated by two friends of mine and I have been there twice with my book club. It is a lovely and well run retreat facility.


  1. That sounds fabulous. I am sure you won't regret it!

  2. I can't wait to hear about it!


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