
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Is it already August 7th? Need to get busy on my mini-goals

I do feel like it has been a busy week, but I need to really ratchet up the effort on my computer related mini-goals for August. 

I now have an operational computer, recreated my contact list, updated my password list and gave up on the idea of transferring the few files on the old hard drive that weren't backed up. 

That means I have to do the household inventory over again. Sigh. I also still need to:
1. Download genealogy software after picking the replacement for the no longer available one I was using
2. Recycle the old computer and decide what to do with the unwanted keyboard and mouse that were part of the new computer package
3. Complete tutorials on Windows 7, Office 2013 and the Windows photo program
4. Decide if I am going to get a different photo program
5. Decide if I am going to use Windows Skydrive or Lockbox for backup in the "cloud" and learn how to do that

Then there is the cell phone dilemma as the hand me down phone is on its last leg. I think I have decided to go back to Tracfone and get a new phone for it.  So I have to:
1. Pick a cell phone and learn all its features
2. Sync my contact lists and calendars across cell phone and Outlook

Progress on the health front though! I have been to the gym twice and go again on Friday. Then I'll switch to 3 times a week. I ordered new lenses for my old glasses and am waiting for them to arrive. Also have planned out meals for two weeks of shopping now and am doing more vegetarian nights. I still need to make annual physical, skin check, and mammogram appointments.

We started looking for shower tile and I need to scout out a possible tile store. It's hard when you don't want to gut the bathroom and instead need to find something that goes with and old style tile floor.

We have gathered the information we are supposed to take with us to a Federal employee pre-retirement planning seminar on 8/13. I turn 64 on September 1st and have to start thinking about Medicare options so this should help explain how our existing health insurance and Medicare work together while Hubby continues working as he is younger.

We went to and enjoyed a play this past Saturday. I really enjoy that they sell a signature cocktail at intermission - this play was about sin and redemption and the cocktail was "Fire and Ice" - lemonade with bourbon.

I've been busy filling in for a library volunteer who is on vacation and making sure everything is on track for our next book sale on Labor Day weekend. It has also been rainy some days so no further progress on pruning and weeding. I'm also waiting on my Mom to decide when in September to go visit her in NH.

I'm tired just thinking about all of this LOL!


  1. Wow, you are busy. Just getting thru all the computer stuff would make my eyelids droop. And I know that if I had a Fire and Ice, I would sleep through the second act!

    1. Well, there wasn't that much bourbon! But it was tasty.

  2. Super busy! Good job on going to the gym!

    1. I am happy about getting started with the gym. Not so happy about how long all the computer and phone stuff is taking.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...