
Friday, June 21, 2013

So I announce my retirement and am asked to take on 2 new projects

But I said no thanks. I am really feeling good about this decision as I could no longer summon any enthusiasm for the type of work I have done in the past. I feel an incredible sense of lightness and possibility!

Once we are home from our July family visits I am going to get busy with some new things. On the top of my list is joining a nearby women's gym. I've scheduled a couple of lunches to start brainstorming my next activities and to socialize. I found out last night that one of my book club friends has just retired and another is retiring in February so hopefully we can spend more time together. Hubby is working for 4 1/2 more years so we aren't headed for retirement together right now.

Right now I'm also working on a bucket list for the summer. We have lived here almost 16 years and I've never been to the contemporary art museum for example. There is a Latin jazz outdoor concert next Friday night. I'm going to research other things, especially free ones, and get them all on my schedule. I intend for the next part of my life to be joyous and busy with the right things. Have you made this transition or thought about how you will approach it?

Today's Decluttering Items
Binder and it's contents


  1. I've been a part time, stay-at-home, freelance "independent contractor" for a while now. And I too just turned down a job, for the first time. I'm retired. It's summer. I want my summer vacation!

    1. Isn't it great to have a summer vacation just as we did as kids!

  2. Oh, how this reminds me of what happened to me. I'm retiring on July 12th. I've been counseling for too many years and am totally burned out. After all, I have worked for 50 years...not at the same job, of course. I'm very happy with my decision and looking forward to doing all the things I have put off all these years. Now I discover that on my last day my boss has scheduled me to run two groups. Mind you, it's not only the hour running the groups, but also all the paperwork that entails. Then, there is my retirement party in the afternoon. So, when does all this get done? Looks like I'll be staying overtime on my last day. I guess they just don't want me to go. LOL!!!

    1. Wow - talk about getting every last minute of work out of you! Enjoy the start of your retirement. You have me beat by 3 years as I've worked in various jobs for 47 years (since I was 16). I'm not against working for money in the future I just don't want to do what I was doing.

  3. Hi Juhli,
    I have just taken the first step. I've gone from full time to part time. I still have years to go before I can completely retire, but this is going to be such a thrill for me! Best of luck to you in your retirement :)

    1. Oh, part time is good! I expect your life balance will feel great.


Five plus on Friday - My week in review

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