
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

While I was gone

You go away for six days and things change!

- Hubby finished painting the new tv stand and set up my exercise space upstairs. Lola seems to think it is a new sleeping space for her!

- He also painted a wall in the family room a bright color. He's happy with it - I'm less excited but its there.
- Lots of trees leafed out and flowers bloomed leading to today's predicted pollen count of 4,175. Keep in mind that 150 is labeled "very high". We are in the don't walk or run outside zone for a while.
- My younger son's new employer decided to send him to Atlanta to work for a week in mid May and he is able to stay over the weekend and spend it with us!

- On a less happy note, while I was with my Mom she was diagnosed with mild dementia as well as a neuropathy which is a new source of pain for her. She knew she was having increasing problems with short term memory and doesn't seem upset about it thinking that it is normal for a 91 year old. Having no idea how fast the dementia may progress or if it will broaden to include things she can do well now, my brother and I aren't sure what we need to do right now as she can continue safely in her current living situation. At least we have a baseline. We did go out to eat multiple times, talked about books, went shopping for things she needs and to the library, etc. so it was a nice visit.


  1. Glad you had a nice visit... :) Your exercise room looks great and Lola looks like it was made especially for her! lol!! She is just soo pretty!! Hope you figure out everything with your's hard when they get older I know. My grandmother in law is the same age and is more forgetful now as well...

    1. Thanks Carla. It was helpful to have the dementia screening done as now we know specifically where she has difficulty and where she is fine.

  2. What a sweet hubby you have! And aren't our little furry kids funny? Rockefeller has pulled similar stunts around here.

    Sorry about your mom...I have a really good friend dealing with the same thing right now with her mom (who is about 20 years younger than your mom) and it has been very stressful. They recently had screening done too which helped them to guage where they are and how to proceed. I am glad to read that your brother is willing to help too.

    1. Thanks and yes, my hubby is sweet. My brother lives near my Mom and does so very much for her on a weekly basis. He is going to a Dr. appt with her today. Sorry to hear about your friend's Mom. It can be very stressful and I've seen several friends deal with a parent with Alzheimers and the associated stress. My Mom's problem seems to be vascular dementia which progresses a bit differently. It is good to have a baseline and know she can still do most things very well.

  3. Wow! Your husband was busy!!

    Sorry to hear about your Mom. God bless her, I think she's doing pretty good at 91! But I can understand your concern on what to do. It was hard on my Dad when my Grandmother was unable to do things for herself at 92. My Dad put her in a assisted living facility and she stayed there until she died at 99. Thankfully, she had the funds to do it.

    Hopefully the dementia won't progress too rapidly.

    So, what videos will you be exercising to? :)!

    1. Thanks Sharon. It is hard to see my Mom's health deteriorate bit by bit. She just got her blood work results and there was a handwritten note from the doctor saying she was nearing Stage 4 kidney failure. What a way to tell someone. First we have heard about kidney failure at all so we need to find out what is going on there too. It can cause memory problems or confusion too.

      On a lighter note, my husband can't stand to not be busy. I was hoping he'd vacuum not paint a wall LOL.


What I’m Reading Wednesday

Another book for the challenge - Prompt 50: Set in the 1940’s.  One of those plots that shifts from present day to the 1940s and back repeat...