
Friday, April 19, 2013

Stay safe in Boston please

I'm sitting here thinking of my loved ones in Boston - two nieces attending college and a cousin who lives in Newton. To all who are in Boston, I hope you are safe amidst this craziness and don't let this make you afraid to be part of the mostly wonderful world.


  1. I hope that you have managed to speak to your family and know that they are safe. Such a terrible thing to happen, though thankfully tragedies like this are rare in what is generally a wonderful world.

    1. Thanks Sue - I've heard from both nieces who live a ways away from where this is all unfolding. It is a wonderful world full of kind, helpful people and that it what I focus on.


Five plus on Friday - My week in review

Oops, perhaps I requested too many books at once from the library, 1.  I visited the library to pick up the books requested including 2 requ...