
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides oh my! Living in the southeastern US

I've just learned we need to add another kind of spraying to our tree service as most of our azaleas have a disease that makes the leaves puff up and split - SIGH. Little did we know when we moved from S. CA to Atlanta that we would be having to use all sorts of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides just to maintain our home, trees, yard and keep bugs out. In S. CA we had termites to be sure and the occasional lizard that came in the house (a broom sweeps them out the door) but not the pests and pestilence that we experience here. I hate using all of this stuff or having it done for us but there doesn't seem to be a viable alternative. In retrospect we should have bought a new house with very, very little yard but what did we know!

On a positive note, our yard looks lovely right now with azaleas of all kinds in bloom, the trees leafed out or in the process and other blooming shrubs doing there thing. We have had some good rain on several different days which is helping with the pollen count although it is still in the thousands. Allergy meds make walking the dog doable and that makes her happy. My car has a rather green tinge though washing it is a waste of time for a few more weeks.

We are counting down to our son's wedding. I got a haircut today. Hubby picked up his suit and a new shirt last Saturday. We sent a wedding gift. It will be a fun and joyous occasion on May 4th.

In the meantime I will keep spraying weeds and sneezing! Have a great day in your part of the world/


  1. I also hate chemical warfare, but I guess sometimes it’s a necessity. I love azaleas, which I can’t grow in the high dessert of AZ. I can imagine the beauty in your yard, as I’m still staring at brown. Spring will come soon.

    1. Thanks for commenting Cathy. I love the high dessert and liked the difference in seasons in the Los Angeles area when we lived there.


What’s was for dinner & week’s plans

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