
Monday, April 15, 2013

Mid Month Update

I thought I'd check in with my specific goals for April to see how I am doing. As you can see, the ones that are completed are mostly things that were scheduled and I'm doing ok on some of the month long goals. Others are scheduled for later in the month or are a complete fail so far but there are two weeks left to get them underway. And I am turning the computer off after I post this!

How are you doing on achieving your April goals?

- trip to visit my Mom, brother and SIL in NH in early April
- final Pilates session
- home exercise space ready to use
- our 32nd wedding anniversary
- a bridal shower for a friend's daughter

In Process
- classes at nearby county arts center and "homework" in between
- planning meetings and activities for May Friends of the Library book sale
- regular weekly shift sorting donated books
- stick to Spring Project 333 wardrobe with no purchases for that season
- try for an "Austerity April" in terms of food and entertainment spending except when visiting Mom and Anniversary celebration - food is running above budget so perhaps my budget is too low; only dinner out has been for our anniversary

Scheduled for Later in Month
- book club weekend away at a member's mountain get away (April 27-28)
- I am hoping to be a "judge's assistant" the day before a big arts festival (April 19)
- find out if my braces are going to come off before son's wedding (April 17)
- pre-op testing for cataract surgery (April 29)

Not Started
- start a home exercise program to replace private Pilates sessions with trainer
- shop thrift/consignment stores for needed summer clothes
- limit time on computer to maximum of 1 hour a day

- hoping to walk to nearby festival - The pollen count was too high one day and it rained the other



  1. That is quite a list! Congratulations on your anniversary. I guess it will be good to have the process underway for surgery and get that done with?

    1. It will be good to get started on the cataract surgery. They are really affecting my vision and ability to drive. I'm not very old but apparently developed them early and right in the center of each eye.


Five plus on Friday - My week in review

Oops, perhaps I requested too many books at once from the library, 1.  I visited the library to pick up the books requested including 2 requ...