
Monday, April 22, 2013

Do you have too much stuff?

If you have ever wondered whether or not you have too much stuff and why, this series of videos (A Cluttered Life: Middle-Class Abundance) from UCLA's study of American households will be fascinating to watch.

These videos are from the study that produced this book. My library doesn't have the book but these videos are a great substitute.

I am curious how you feel as you watch them? Does it make you look at your own physical space and spending patterns? Do you want to make any changes?


  1. Juhli, I enjoyed watching these videos, and was happy I could not relate to them in any size shape or form! We've been spending the last several years slowly decluttering our closets and garage, and religiously follow the one in-one out rule.

    Traveling in small spaces helps as well. We simply don't have room to store excess stuff in our travels, and that has forced us to refine our spend to experiences only. It's amazing how far our money now goes!

  2. I couldn't relate to them either as I keep our belongings to the minimum that I can and still keep hubby happy. He keeps saying he'll be willing to dispose of unnecessary items when we get ready to move in 5 years. Since we have space now I'm not pushing it unless it threatens to overtake the basement or shed LOL.


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