
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Today is wash day and I'm chipping away at chores

The laundry hamper was full so today has become laundry day. Wouldn't it be nice to have a lot of machines at home so it could all be done quickly LOL. I was talking with my Mom recently about doing laundry and she started reminiscing about how excited she was to move from a washing machine with a hand wringer to one that spun the water out. I remember that wringer washer. Most of my childhood she did not have a dryer and hung all of the laundry outdoors in the summer and in the basement in the winter. Then she would sprinkle water on the clothes to be ironed, let them sit for a while to get damp and she (or I) would then iron them with a non-steam iron. So I'm really not complaining!

Yesterday I finally stopped procrastinating on a few things and finished altering a new pair of ankle pants to take up the waist a bit and mended a recently purchased dressy sleeveless linen/silk top bought secondhand. The top is supposed to be hand washed but I don't do that so it is in a net bag going through the washer right now and that hopefully will work out. I also buckled down and finished raking and sweeping the street and sidewalks to get up all the oak seed droppings before they were ground into dust even more than they had been. Clearly the drought is over here as I haven't seen so much mess from the oaks in the 15 springs we have lived here.

Today I intend to stop procrastinating on a few more things.
DONE next day - Clean the upstairs (have I mentioned how much I hate vacuuming!)
DONE - Iron the shirt hubby bought for our son's wedding (I'll iron it just this once)
DONE - Scuff up the slippery soles of the shoes I bought for the wedding so I won't take a prat fall
DONE next day - Mend the little holes in our down comforter as we have the goal of making everything possible last for 5 more years and then not moving the worn out things.

What is on your list for today?


  1. I really like your use-it-up goal!

    1. Thanks. I didn't get through the list yesterday but will keep plugging away today.


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