
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Here's what I packed for vacation

I am on vacation for the next week and will post when I get back.  The dog is off to "sleep away camp" also known as her rescue foster family - she has fun there.  She didn't have much to pack - her harness & leash, her crate/bed, special treats and her raincoat.

I actually put together outfits this time before I packed.  We will be in 3 different parts of S. CA and the highs and lows will vary from 88 to 58 with a projected 91 when we get home.  We are gone 7 days counting the two travel days and here's what I am taking (plus a hat, purse, waist pack, camera, paperback books from library, sleepware, underwear and toiletries of course).  I'll use the clothes I take as exercise clothes after they are worn.  It all fits into a very full roll-a-board and backpack (with the purse inside for going on board).

2 shorts(brown and cream), 3 capris (denim, tan, black) & a blue violet dress(at the last minute I threw in a pair of lightweight jeans as weather forecast got cooler)
 4 short sleeve tops & 4 sleeveless tops

2 short sleeve cardigans & 1 long sleeve hoodie
 4 pairs of shoes (would be 3 but for the dressy dinner)
 4 necklaces & 3 pairs of earrings

I put together outfits - Day 1 on the plane there and Day 7 back on the plane with different shirts but the rest the same.

Day 2: Huntington Beach - walk the dog, go to the pier and out to lunch and exploring; then get dressed up to check out a restaurant for a potential wedding venue for son and fiancee (you can't tell but that is a blue violet dress with a black cardigan)

Day 3: morning/lunch in Huntington Beach; afternoon/evening in hot Pasadena with other son & his sweetie

Day 4: brunch in Pasadena followed by family reunion BBQ in west valley

 Day 5 & 6: Hanging out with FIL in west valley with outings hopefully!

We'll see how this approach works out.  Enjoy your week!


  1. Very organised Juhli. Have a great week :)

  2. You are so organized and i am so impressed. The ugly truth is that I'm afraid to go into my closet. Time to downsize. How hard to even think about it.

  3. You have some beautiful clothes! Looks like it would be perfect for vacation!

  4. Thanks for sharing your packing list details Juhli. You did really well by not taking too much stuff yet co-ordinating lots of lovely outfits.
    I will have to think about what I'm going to pack for my trip next month now :)

    1. I've never tried this creating outfits for each day/event approach to packing before. It helped so it might work for you. Where are you going?


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