
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Back from vacation & a full day ahead

We had a wonderful time on vacation visiting our sons, their sweeties and many other family members.  Also enjoying Southern California weather and beaches - or more accurately, walks on piers.  We also had dinner at the restaurant where our younger son will get married in May.  It is nice to have firsthand images of the space.  My packing plan worked out well as I wore everything except some jewelry, the hat, long pants and long sleeved jacket.

We also learned some interesting lessons about helping aging parents make decisions.  I'll write more about that later but for now I am off to volunteer at the library, get groceries and go to the first class of a colored pencil drawing class.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks - we are still jet lagged but doing better.

  2. Sounded like a great trip, and of course you were dressed beautifully! :)!

    Hey, I forgot to ask, did you have to pack for hubby too?

    1. Thanks Sharon. I'd say I really like 3 of the outfits I took including the one in the photo. And, no, I never pack for hubby. I insist husbands and children over 12 come fully independent LOL!

  3. Glad you had a great time. Love the pic! LOL, I never pack for my hubby either. The last time we went out of town he asked about something he should or should not pack...I always respond to such questions, "I am not your can figure it out."

    1. Oh, I do love that line! When we do discuss what to pack we both always take too much. I just get the weather forecast and activity plans for each day and we go from there.


Five plus on Friday - My week in review

Oops, perhaps I requested too many books at once from the library, 1.  I visited the library to pick up the books requested including 2 requ...