
Monday, March 19, 2012

Menu Plan Monday - I'd rather still be on vacation edition

Well I avoided cooking last night by pleading exhaustion after my knife skills class (yes, I do see the irony here) so we went out to eat.  Sat on the balcony and ate perfectly cooked salmon but had a drink at home first to be more cost effective.  Yummy as always.  Yet the week awaits and I need a menu plan so here it is.

Monday - Fusili with mushrooms and chard
Tuesday - Chicken and black bean tostados
Wednesday -Barley and chicken soup
Thursday - Book club night; I'm taking Trader Joes pizza
Friday - Haddock
Saturday - Volunteering at library fundraiser and eating there
Sunday - Rice and vegetables


  1. Yum! Your menu sounds wonderful :) I like your commandments! Wonderful blog - I'm with you on all accounts.

    Adding you to my blog roll!


What's for dinner & other plans

Plans for this week: Not much on the calendar so will somewhat be catching up on tasks and plans for the month. Our older son will still be ...