
Friday, March 30, 2012

March successes and April targets

How did I do on my goals for March?

I'm pretty happy with the results.
- I finally did paint the basement stairs and am enjoying seeing them looking good every time I go up and down to do laundry.
- I bought some shoes and socks that I needed and ordered a summer dress.
- I've been menu planning which keeps us eating dinner at home more.  We are going to go out this weekend but it will be inexpensive.
- I got a new consulting project and started working on it so some income will follow.
- We had a wonderful vacation and I bought tickets for two trips by myself later this Spring.  I was able to use frequent flyer miles to get a ticket to visit my Mom in early May and bought a ticket to join West coast friends in Raleigh in April while they are doing a home exchange there.
- Some decluttering with the total for the year so far at 200 items!
- Stuck to our financial and house project plan.
- Had overall a higher energy level finishing up my Boost Your Energy Challenge.

Goals for April?  I'll be working a lot the first two weeks and traveling quite a bit so my goals are modest.

Keep the stress out of travel - 3 trips in April; 2 for fun & 1 for business means I need to plan ahead.
Keep our budget in hand - A little planned eating out, menu planning, and otherwise only regularly scheduled and planned project and personal expenses.
Keep energy high - Walk dog every day possible, PT exercises every day and 2 PT visits, 4 Pilates sessions, and long walks while traveling if possible.
Keep rightsizing (and decluttering) our home - Focus on deep cleaning and sprucing up our two bathrooms and continuing to pare down our possessions bit by bit.


  1. Sounds lie you had a great month! Good for you! I need to think about my April goals as well...hmm... lol!

  2. Excellent job and your review is very motivational!

  3. Congrats on a great month, mine seemed to fly by, have no idea what I got done but I sure stayed busy doing it!!

  4. You are on a roll...what great momentum. Love the term "rightsizing".

  5. You did great this month Juhli!


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