
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Healthy Wednesdays - Get your skin checked

Two weeks ago I went to the dermatologist to have a very small growth on the back of my neck checked out.  The symptoms - I had scratched it earlier this summer during mosquito season and it took a long time to heal.  It didn't go away over several months and my husband described it as "pink lump".  It wasn't there last March when I had a full body skin check which I am trying to do at least every 18 months.

The doctor decided to biopsy it as it looked like it could possibly be a basal cell carcinoma. It turned out not to be fortunately.  In the past I have had precancerous lesions removed from my nose so I am always cautious.

Have you had a skin checkup lately?


  1. I need to go to the dermatologist bad. I went to my doctor recently and he said I really need to go, but I'm honestly afraid of what they're going to say. I'm starting to get white circles on my back and all over my chest, and it's not pretty.

  2. Please do go see one! The thought about what needs to happen is usually worse than the reality. If it is a problem then at least you can decide on what action to take.


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