
Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The ongoing “joys” of home ownership

As I spend my day - and will again tomorrow - hanging out at home most of the time (with breaks traded with Hubby) so our attics can be better insulated, I am thinking again about the challenges and reward of home ownership.

Right now the challenge is listening to the old insulation being sucked out of the attic lol. The things we are learning about how poorly some work was done not long before selling the house (a large open hole in the floor of the attic where the kitchen fan vent pipe goes through!) explains a lot about why the kitchen is so cold for example.

Our bank account will be smaller at the end of the week but our home more comfortable. That means we have finished almost all the work identified in the home inspection before we bought the house 2 years ago plus landscaped the yard.

Still on list for the are replacing the cheap carpeting upstairs, putting in a new stair handrail to code, and replacing the aging water heater and perhaps the stove and dryer. 


  1. Worth it to avoid apartment living!

    1. Absolutely. We just always seem to move after we fix everything.

  2. I know that we will probably move to a condo apartment in probably 5 years. I am just glad that we added insulation to this house, new windows, new doors and a few other things to make this home easier to sell in the future.

    God bless.

    1. It is great that you are also getting the benefit of those improvements yourselves.

  3. It's a never ending cycle to keep a home looking and functioning well, isn't it.

    1. Absolutely. We are still in the fix-it and make it safer/more comfortable phase of buying a house in a market where buyers have no leverage to get sellers to fix anything. We did luck out that a lot of repairs/improvements were made in the 2 years prior to putting the house on the market. I have to admit that although redoing the landscaping was a fix-it we did go way beyond what was required.


The ongoing “joys” of home ownership

As I spend my day - and will again tomorrow - hanging out at home most of the time (with breaks traded with Hubby) so our attics can be bett...