
Saturday, November 30, 2024

Results - November goals


Well once again my list was too long and also was impacted by being sick for 10 days plus pup keeping us up at night with tummy troubles.

Still, important things were accomplished. I’m going to say that self care happened but is was in the form of naps and sitting around reading while I was sick!

BONUS: What wasn’t on the list but got done is that I bought a Mac laptop at Black Friday’s very discounted prices based on my son’s recommendations. Learning how to use it will be a project for 2025. My desktop is so old that it can’t upgrade Windows and it is quite slow. Time for it to go.

*  Done: Enjoy celebrating our Granddaughter’s 8th birthday and the accompanying visit by our older son and DIL. 11/17 & 18
* Postponed due to weather and holiday: He wants to go out to lunch by the water so we will - Celebrate Hubby’s 72nd birthday however he wants on 11/21
Done: Send cards, emails or make calls for my cousin’s birthday and brother and SIL’s anniversary.
* Done: He had to head back early for business reasons but we saw him 3 times - Enjoy visits with my nephew who is in town for most of the month but lives in Taiwan.
Done: sent, instead of taking, a charcuterie board for appetizer - Thanksgiving with DIL’s family

* Completed first of 3 steps and got directions for other 2 - Sign up to change secondary health insurance to Kaiser for 2025 and beyond.
* Started : watching YouTube videos to learn the basics -Become comfortable with Google docs, sheets, drive and photos.
- Set up weekly exercise program and specific exercises targeted for my body.
- Farmer’s Market to get apples for eating and cooking.
* Nope: Cancelled registration due to cold -Attend card making class 11/21 at rec center.

SELF CARE - didn’t happen as planned 
- Practice a month of daily thankfulness.
- Buy cool weather clothing on my list.
- Art, music or nature outing.
- Find a colorful piece of art for bedroom - thrift store?

* Done - Buy a better raincoat for the pup. His current one blows up in the wind and he gets wet as well as annoyed. This week I was able to buy myself rain pants so once he gets a better coat we are set.
* Partially - Ready the house and yard.
Done - wash patio furniture and store much of it in garage
Delayed until Spring - touch up paint on metal patio furniture that stays outside
* 1/2 Done -  Handyman was a no show but Hubby got one thing done - fixed attic door so it closes tight - Still to do: shop for matching weatherstripping and replace on one side of the front door


  1. Self care may change, but is even more important when illness strikes.

  2. Being ill does cause problems with our lists. Hubby is not feeling well right now and I hope he doesn't decide to share it with me.

    You did manage to get a great deal of your list completed.

    God bless.


Wednesdays Musings - Tiny Frugal Things

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