
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Focusing on what matters right now - Thriving week 28

Since the busyness of moving has calmed to more everyday life I am figuring out what is most important right now in this new lifestyle of ours.

  1. First and foremost is time with and support of our son’s family. That is why we went through the stress and adjustments of moving again! Add in time with our older son and DIL too.
  2. Enjoyment of the area we live in. It is important to me to find joy in my current living circumstances whatever they may be. That includes finding things to do and ways to spend my time that lift my spirits and friends to share life with.
  3. Improving/maintaining my health and fitness. I want to feel and be vital and energetic for as many more years as possible.
  4. Taking care of our home, belongings and finances without it consuming daily life. It is too easy to let this fill my time and although necessary it is not the point of living.
This past week’s activities focused some on these things.
  1. Went over to visit the family Sunday afternoon as they are leaving on vacation Friday. Baby hugs and she now can say Nana! Big girl smiles. Time to visit with my DIL. Called my older son and DIL who are left on a trip Wednesday.
  2. We have a couple of things on our short term list for this area.
  3. Exercised quite a bit between heavy housework and exercise routines. Deliberately pushing myself to walk faster and to be sure to get noticeable exercise 5 to 6 days a week.
  4. Made a clear “projects “ list of the most important to me one time things left to do in these areas. Focusing on doing one at a time and finishing it is my challenge here but I am making progress as the garage is finished.


  1. I admire how methodical you live your life.

    1. Or at least think about living my life😊

  2. Step by step you are moving forward. I hope you find lots of friends and interesting things to become involved in.

    God bless.

  3. Hope you have some fun this weekend!

  4. So glad you sat down a reevaluated or restated what matters most now. And being with family is at the top of that list. We had the kids over today. Usually I do a little housecleaning before hand and quite a bit of cooking, and then spend the whole time they are visiting serving, cleaning, putting away, packing up leftovers for them to take home. Today we ordered PIZZA!! It was grand. I sat down! I swam and floated and played and talked. And threw paper plates in the trash when we were done.
    Proud of your increased exercise. Hope you find the videos I shared useful. We particularly like the Lucy Wyndham Read abs exercises. I have seen more definition in my stomach and improved strength and balance.
    Hope you find some interesting things to visit and enjoy as fall approaches and temps cool. I am looking forward to PC being retired so that we don't have to limit our activities to just the weekends. Hope we get in hikes this fall that we haven't done in years.


Road trip part 1: Freeways, bookstore, museum and family

The drive down to Pasadena was nerve rattling at both ends but the long middle part was placid if boring. My freeway defensive driving skill...