
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Celebrating Father’s Day, tree removal & a Hawk Moth - Thriving week 25

My DIL thought the moth that was in my front yard is a Hawk Moth. It is a White-lined Sphinx (or Hawk) moth. That is a new one for me but it was amazing looking and well camouflaged where it is resting.

Father’s Day lunch at our house with a simple menu: homemade chicken salad on croissants, veggie plate and dessert of chocolate Depression cake and ice cream. No need to stress or work too hard before a fun family gathering!

We met with an arborist and our neighbor and agreed to remove the line of trees along the property line that touch our house all the time. When it is windy they really hit the house. That is deemed a fire hazard by our home insurance company so we would have to keep them trimmed back. 

They are old, narrow and over 2 1/2 stories tall when they should be less than one story given their placement. Probably planted as a hedge decades ago. A few different types of trees and shrubs mixed in will remain and be pruned appropriately. A one time expense for us to eliminate annual cutting back not to mention the mess they make with dropping tiny flowers and leaves.

No plan yet for a different neighbors oak tree growing rapidly over our fence and encroaching into both our and a third neighbors yards. None of us have met the current owners of the oak tree but we learned some prior owner topped it creating a very difficult to maintain tree rapidly growing tree with many sucker trunks. Oh the joy of home ownership.

I’m starting some rearranging of storage which is a going to be a sequence of shifting things as space is made. So far I have removed all bedding storage from my closet so I can put sweaters on the shelf. Now I have to figure out where the out of season blanket and comforter will go. I think once I clean and declutter the garage again, I can move things from the office closet onto a yet to be purchased shelf or cabinet. Then the bedding can go in the office closet. There was originally a linen closet in this house but it was removed along with the entry coat closet at some point leaving not much storage space inside.

Slight progress on items on the to do list that have been avoided! Saw the retina specialist and now know how to tell if I need to return. Also was told what to look for in an optometrist. Called the credit union and fixed a log in problem.

 Did a thorough cleaning of the downstairs except for mopping the floor and washing the windows. Light cleaning upstairs.cleaned the front porch ceiling to floor and started on window washing. I am slowly increasing the amount of exercise I get each week. A long way to go on that but at least I have set goals for the summer with my Pilates trainer.


  1. Trees are a double-edged sword. So expensive to get them trimmed up!!

    1. Absolutely! I’m so glad they will no longer be an annual problem.

  2. We used to have lots of those moths in our yard. Another name for them is Hummingbird moths as they flit just like a Hummingbird.

    God bless.

    1. I’ve never seen anything like it but it is so cool. Like a miniatur3 drone.

  3. You've accomplished much lately. I start and stop on the cleaning. And then it is all to do over again.
    We have a similar tree situation with our backyard neighbors. They have 2 very messy mesquite trees that have grown well over into our yard and the yard beside us. They drop pods, flowers, small fronds all year round and our yard and pool are full of them. I feel guilty saying so but I wish those trees would catch a bug and their growth and health would be affected. They are just creating an awful mess for us.

    1. Do your state’s laws allow you to prune anything hanging over your property like ours does? With the oak tree we are just trying to figure out how to prune it so it will look ok and not have to be done every year.

  4. Comforters are such a headache to store. A few years ago I found long pieces of Velcro that are kind of double sided. Now I roll up each down blanket and comforter as tightly as I can and wrap each end with a piece of this Velcro which when it meets itself on the other side sticks to itself, keeping the blanket/comforter tightly rolled. I've considered placing each roll in a pillow case too, and using them for bolsters. :)

    1. That is a clever solution and we have some of those long Velcro straps.


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