
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Thriving Thursday Week 12 - Spring is here and so are bugs

Welcome to Spring! 

It was a nice sunny and warm week so we took a scenic drive exploring parts of Berkeley near the campus and the hills behind it. The pup loves going for rides and sat quietly on the back looking at everything with interest.

I’m seeing butterflies around as so much is blooming. It is a pretty time to take long walks or sit outside. The pup is extra eager to be outside so we have been taking him out in the yard some which he enjoys.

The little GD had to stay home from school again due to a low fever but is feeling fine. We were able to step in and provide babysitting at her house.

I made a list of all the foods we have on hand and decided to try to get creative with finding some new inexpensive dinner recipes and healthier lunches and breakfasts for me. So far I’m interested in trying a one skillet vegetarian Mexican rice casserole.

This week I discovered the hard way that in one area of the yard we have wasps or bees. One got me on the back of my neck. It hurt but fortunately no serious reaction. I was in early grade school last time I was stung when I stepped on a 🐝 barefoot which I recall being much worse.


  1. It is a pretty time of year! There is never a good time for a bee or wasp sting...hope it doesn't detract from the wonder of spring.

  2. I can say at least it only snowed yesterday, and today, while the temperature is a bit on the chilly side, the sun is shining.

    God bless.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...