
Monday, November 6, 2023

Week 44: Progress

Decluttering and Organizing

As the yard project keeps moving forward we are trying to use or give away the trash created before paying for a second and final dump haul. We took some leftover flagstone from the new patio and walkway as well as gravel that was pulled up and covered the dirt in a spot that gets a lot of water from a downspout. An interesting puzzle to put the pieces together to hopefully avoid a mud pit this winter 

I packed up the dog’s extra crate mats and the summer clothing I didn’t wear this year and stored them in bags under the bed instead of in the garage or closet respectively. If I don’t pull the clothes out next summer they can be given away. I am stressed by visual clutter so this is a good way to see if something is needed but not have to look at it.

Repurposed a plastic storage container that was holding jewelry that I decluttered and am using it as battery and fuse storage. Much better than the falling apart box I was using.

Being Active 

I spent part of Sunday at my son’s house helping a bit with 7th birthday party prep, chatting and watching the baby pull and roll herself around the living room. Gave the older one a book as an early birthday present and she plopped down and got right to reading it. She came home with me for lunch and a short visit.

Went to an introductory Pilates session with the trainer my son likes and booked 4 more sessions for November. Repeat after me: I will get back in shape!

Walked to the city rec center for the senior resource fair and got some helpful information. Everyone was so nice. This is a welcoming community.

Signed up for a monthly mystery book club at the library. Will attend a meeting on the 15th and see if it is a place to meet my “tribe”.

Had fun as usual with the goofy and loving pup.

Home Projects

The retrofit passed final inspection so now to get city transfer tax rebate and insurance discount forms done and submitted. The plants are in their spots in the yard, drip irrigation set up and working plus most of the bark mulch spread. Our new lightweight hoses arrived too. Just a few more things to get done.

I was able to give away all the rest of the dirt from digging holes to plant as well as the plastic pots the plants came in.


In an odd series of events I was offered the same amount of money for a small antique Navajo rug that was given to my mother in the late 1930s as I spent on my new and very cozy down comforter. I wasn’t even trying to sell the rug but had decided it was time to pass it on. 


  1. Your yard is looking great. and that's good news about the tax rebate. you are way more social than I am and I admire you going out to the library book club. We had a number of antique navajo rugs too that Barclay's mother gave to us in the 80's. None were really valuable, I sold a few on ebay and gave the rest away. The one that was super valuable the two mountains one she kept or gave to another son she favored more than Barclay. Sad, but true.

  2. Great progress done on the yard. The puzzle looks lovely, you did a great job setting the flagstones.

    God bless.

  3. That is the cutest pup. Wish we could take some of the leftovers from your yard project off your hands. We haven't begun work on the walk we want to create. PC got another good report at the urologist but he just doesn't have energy to do anything. Might be better off hiring this project out.


Five plus on Friday

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