
Sunday, August 20, 2023

Week 33: Termites be gone plus stones & rocks

Sunday I woke up very tired after an unusually busy week capped with a long round trip to attend a milestone birthday party for our DIL’s mother and uncle. Even the pup is exhausted after a very fun week filled with visitors who were much more important than naps as he had to be in on all the fun!

So how did this week go?

We finalized the shape of the flagstone patio and walkway. I worked on building a better brick retaining wall behind the trash cans now that the neighbor’s gopher is dead and not gifting us with mounds of extra dirt from its tunneling. I used a few of the bricks removed from the back yard. It isn’t perfect but it is better.

The chemical termite treatment under the house was done Monday so we and the pup went to our son’s house for the 3 hours we had to be gone. I hadn’t recalculated the cost of the work when we decided to do some repairs ourselves so happily it was almost $2,500 less than I thought it would be!

We had older granddaughter for an afternoon. Then we went out to dinner with son and the Grandgirls while DIL worked late. 

We made a decision making trip to the stone yard where we met up with one of our landscapers to have help. We picked one of the most expensive gravels but we were happy with one of the least expensive flagstones. However, we had second thoughts about the stone color and went back today to change the order almost doubling the cost.

I met the President of the local AAUW chapter for lunch to learn more about the group. I really enjoyed starting to get to know her.

And at the end of the week I got the RSV vaccine for those of us over 60. Now that we are around kids and working folks more I want to try not to have transmission either way this winter. Next up is probably the new COVID booster in mid to late September and then the flu shot in October. I’m following the advice of Your Local Epidemiologist whose latest post about Fall vaccine options for all ages is worth a read.


  1. It sounds as if you had a very busy week. We hope to get our Covid booster when we get back from our trip. How wonderful that the termites are done.

    God bless.

  2. I think it was good to get the flagstone you really want. You'll be looking at it for a longtime. I wasn't sure about the RSV but mayve I'll go get it too. Can't be too careful. Did you have a reaction? Glad the termite thing is done.

    1. I did have my typical vaccine reaction. Sore arm, chills, tired. Not too bad but 48 hours later still feeling a bit off. I probably wouldn't have gotten it if it weren't for the young grandkids that we see a lot.

    2. Really?? that's interesting. is it something that kids get? I haven't really looked into it, but I did read in the WP to not get the flu or covid shot with it. humm, now I'll have to think about. I haven't gotten the shingle shot and I did have shingles, but I take Acyclovir daily.

  3. Sounds like a good compromise between the gravel and the flagstone. I hope we can look into doing our walk this fall. Hope the gopher(s) and termites are gone for good.
    How nice to enjoy dinner with the grands. We babysat on Saturday and it was fun.

    1. Thanks. It will be lovely when done I'm sure. The gopher is gone for sure and I hear all you can do about subterranean termites is have a protective field around your house as they live in a very large colony. We are good on both for now.


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