
Monday, August 28, 2023

A giant game of Tetris?

 The flagstone cutting and layout is coming along. Very labor intensive!


  1. Oh, WOW, that does look labor intensive. It's going to be gorgeous.

  2. I had hoped maybe PC and I could do our own walkway but seeing all the work these professionals are doing is making me rethink that. Are your flagstones going to be right up beside each other? Or will you have space between them? In order to make our walk more affordable we were thinking of spacing ours out and having clover or ground cover growing between them. Might be a project for next year.

    1. I think our situation is quite different from yours. This part of the flagstone project is being laid as an extension of our concrete patio so very solid underbase, close together, etc. What you can't see yet is the stepping stone walkway up the side of the house where the flagstones will be further apart and the walk narrower. We have lots of rain here and chose hard stone that had to be cut for the above reasons. Also heavy clay soil with no topsoil. You can do it with a different approach and choices!


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...