
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

A vision for the backyard

 We have looked at lots of yard photos to find inspiration for the back yard redo. The patio will stay and be upgraded in some way but the rest of the back yard basically will be redone to support the dog and grand-girls being out there plus adult enjoyment with low maintenance too.

Here’s some inspiration photos.


  1. Half the fun of a new yard is envisioning what you can do.

    God bless.

    1. You are right! I've never landscaped on this scale before but otherwise the yard is useless. The front is very small and more a matter of things needing to be dug out and replaced so that is easier.

  2. Very pretty but those stepping stones with gravy in between would not low maintenance here in Michigan because weeds always have a way of growing in between but in your climate maybe that doesn't happened? What a fun project!

    1. The walkway stones will be closer together but yes there will be weeds. Weed barrier will be under all the hardscape to help though. Short of paving the whole yard (which some people have done lol) there are weeds and gophers to battle.

  3. Do you Pinterest? I have been saving yard (and everything else) ideas on Pinterest. I want a walkway a lot like the ones you have featured where grass or clover, wildflowers or weeds grows between the stones. I think we could probably do it once PC get the clearance from his doctor to do yard work. Will be anxious to see what you guys come up with.

    1. Where will your walk go? We don't have the same enthusiasm for doing it ourselves but look forward to having it done.


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