
Saturday, April 22, 2023

Week 16: Pup’s window on the world

His window to the world. Usually his tail is wagging!

Before we even moved our 6 1/2 year old granddaughter was suggesting that Wednesdays would be a good day for us to pick her up after school and bring her to our house for a visit. In week 3 of living here we came through for her. Mind you, we have emphasized that it won’t be every Wednesday! 

We had a grand time including getting her to try the climbing wall at the lay ground at a close by little park. We met the rest of the family at a Korean restaurant for dinner and the handoff to send her home. She already got Papa to agree to the next Wednesday pick up.

We also had fun with the whole crew over for dinner Friday night of the previous week. Our son and the grand-girl and grand baby coming over right after school and our DIL after a full day seminar. Grand-girl and I took the pup for a short walk right before dinner and she said “I’m glad you were able to move close.” Me too despite the ups and downs of being in the middle of getting settled.

We also had both girls last Sunday for a bit while their very sick 14 year old dog was euthanized at home. Glad we could provide a space for them to be during that while allowing our son and DIL the space to say their goodbyes.

Last Saturday I went to the local AAUW monthly meeting to start looking for my “tribe”. It is a small group of active members and the ones I talked to were very welcoming. They mostly seem to have lived in this area their entire adult lives unlike me and I’m not sure it is my tribe. 

And then there is the endless, ever growing and costly to do list associated with this move and the usual speed bumps of life. Glad we have the time and ability to deal with them all but it is stressful right now. An electrician did call back  though and we are scheduled to have him come May 2 to evaluate what needs to be done to correct/upgrade things identified the inspection report. 

We also moved my computer, the printer and file cabinet upstairs into the 3rd bedroom which now is Hubby’s drum room and has both desks. Hoping that will be a good solution. It leaves the little room attached to the large bedroom (consequence of the 1960’s second story addition) empty and I need to figure out how I want to use that as my space.

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of the happy dog looking out the window. So sweet! And how marvelous to have the grandchildren so close. Ahh.... Moving is always hell, but I'm glad you are starting to reap some of the benefits of it now.


What I’m Reading Wednesday

Another book for the challenge - Prompt 50: Set in the 1940’s.  One of those plots that shifts from present day to the 1940s and back repeat...