
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Week 8: Escrow opened, selling realtor selected and so much more

It has been quite a busy and stressful week. It has also been extremely windy, cold and raining non-stop as the big winter storm hits the whole state and much of the country. Even the pup doesn't want to go out and pee lol.

Most importantly our granddaughter #2 arrived Tuesday morning via C-section. She and our DIL are doing well and are at home. We were sent the sweetest photo of our 6 year old granddaughter meeting her baby sister. 

The hospital allows siblings to visit, but it was a clear reminder of how much the pandemic has changed our actions because everyone but the baby were wearing masks. We certainly don’t want her to get COVID though! Mom and baby are home and doing well with her Father's other Grandmother's assistance plus 6 year sister help.

On the home buying and selling front we did all the following while wondering how we could have done it if working full time!

- escrow was opened,

- we signed many more forms, 

- we made decisions about the home warranty and insurance policies,

- got wiring instructions for paying, 

- moved lots of money from bank to bank preparing for the large wire transfer,

- confirmed March 3 is closing date and that our realtor will do the final walk through and get the keys,

- scheduled a 10 ft. rental truck for Hubby to take the first load up on March 7 when he will get the keys and get the gas furnace checked and serviced (also measure all the rooms and make a floor plan while thinking about our current furniture) and then he will fly home,

- started packing the initial truck load of items/furnishings not needed short term,

- Hubby decluttered quite a few sentimental and sports items plus old paperwork of his Dad's,

- told extended local family members and close local friends that we are moving,

- selected a realtor for selling current home, picked a listing price, agreed to very limited showings while we are still living in it and started completing and signing many more forms,

- the forms for selling aren’t done and they already want to show it to clients 🤪

- didn’t sleep well due to the stress of it all!

But all the money is in one bank now and the very small test wire transfer to escrow worked so I'm sure it is all going to work ok. Whew! Our buying realtor really impressed on us the reality of wire transfer fraud so I am relieved it is all on the up and up. I really won't rest though until the money is all in the escrow account. Just waiting for the final number.

Decluttering at high speed - having a move coming up quickly does that!

36 more items + big stack of papers gone - Total YTD - 89 items decluttered, 11 upgraded.


  1. Amazing how quick this is. I'm guessing yours was an all cash deal for it to close so quickly?

  2. You're moving right along. Don't forget to breathe once in a while.


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