
Sunday, January 8, 2023

Week 1: My Intentional 2023

I am focused this year on being even more intentional than usual in my daily life while continuing to appreciate the present.


I am happy we have had rain this week and very happy I kept my hiking shoes when we moved. Post bunion surgery they are comfy again and my feet have been warm and dry during dog walks.

Hubby was given homemade ginger liqueur as a gift. We split a Ginger Martini as it was all alcohol lol. Sent a pic to the givers giving it two thumbs up review. You can also use it in baking which might be healthier.

The pup entertains us every day (annoys too but that is a teenage puppy for you). Very happy, contented and relaxed buddy when he is not racing around or chewing on this "bones".


To kick off the year we spent New Year’s Day with all our immediate family rather than the next day which was the Rose Parade. That way we got to actually spend time visiting and enjoyed being with all of them which was our priority. 

Our older son turned 52 on January 3rd!  I took his card and gift with us on New Year's Day.


I had a Pilates sessions. I set up a simple exercise tracking system limited to Pilates at home/in studio, stretching at home, and miles walked outside. Now to up the number of checkmarks.


We continued to repair our home. Replaced the kitchen faucet and main shower drain cover. We learned that fixing the guest shower faucet requires a hole in the adjoining bedroom wall so we bought the faucet set and the plumber was scheduled for next week.

I started going through our house with the intentions of reducing "inventory" (less to manage & potentially pack) & upgrading/replacing as needed (less annoyance). I'm asking myself - How many do I need/use? If too many, which are my favorites? Do I need more or to upgrade? I'm also doing a deep cleaning as I go. Five kitchen cupboards done. YTD: 14 items decluttered; 4 replaced/upgraded

Put away the Christmas decor and added Christmas wrapping supplies, cards, napkins, etc. and the few Thanksgiving items to the same container so none is in our daily use spaces. 


  1. Very well done in the start of the new year. You are being very intentional in what you are doing.

    God bless.

  2. I am thinking of committing to 'consistent' as my WOTY but haven't put that out there in the universe yet. Still time to be inconsistent!!

    Just figured out that putting holiday placemats in with the decorations is a great idea. Nice to have it all in one place.
    We are having flooring put in to replace the carpet in some high traffic areas upstairs. That has forced me to move all the things in my loft. Oy vey. So many 'things.' I need to go through everything thoughtfully before putting it all back where it was when the floor is finished. Gave away a bunch of art supplies today, books yesterday.
    Is the move still out there as a possibility? Just preparing these few spaces for the flooring guys has felt like moving to me. I dread when that day comes.

    1. Yes, a move is highly probable. We just interview a realtor up there and our son is screening a second home after the first was a big no once he went inside. It will be a long process.


Five plus on Friday

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