
Saturday, November 5, 2022

Thankful - November 5

Today I am thankful for the change in seasons bringing colorful leaves on some trees here. I have always loved the fall leaf colors.

The early mornings are much cooler when I walk the dog too so I have gotten out warm jackets, hats and gloves. It actually feels like fall even in S. Cal.

What are you thankful for today?


  1. We have had a couple of great weeks of color and perfect fall temps here in southern Indiana.
    Today I am thankful I have people in my life!
    I am also thankful for all the inspiring blogs like yours, that help me stay positive.

  2. I am thankful for the changing seasons. Always something to look forward to with the approach of a new season. We have been in Boston and NYC where there we enjoyed real fall colors. I am thankful for that.


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