
Saturday, November 26, 2022

Decluttering and inventory management

Do you have an approach to decluttering and managing your home’s inventory? 

Even though we don’t buy much to add to our home it is a constant process for us as needs change and home upkeep becomes something we want to do less and less. The cleaning and upkeep of “stuff” is necessary but I keep trying to reduce the amount there is to do. At the same time we need to manage our inventory so that if we do move it is less work or fewer things have to be replaced.

Early in December our son and DIL will move back to their condo the things they stored here during their recent travels and the related renting out of their home. That will make this task easier.

I’m hoping to go through each space in this house before the end of the year and let go of things that aren’t absolutely keepers. 

At the same time I’m continuing to look for things that are needed but annoying in some way or require repairs.. So far I’ve replaced a can opener that was dull and scheduled professionals for some home repairs.

I’ve also decided I no longer want to hand wash dishes or clothing if it can be avoided. Pots and pans still have to be hand washed but I’m replacing things like a wood handled pastry/basting brush that can’t go in the dishwasher and avoiding purchasing any clothing that can’t go on the washing machine.

I started this decluttering round with first aid and medical supplies. Big containers of out of date hand sanitizer that were given to us are gone and the remaining items organized better. Most everything is in one cabinet in the hallway with a few more frequently used items in the kitchen and bathroom.

Now I’m working on the laundry room cabinet and cleaning supply storage areas. BTW, does anyone use laundry soap strips? They would take up so mush less room!


  1. I replaced many clothing items that needed to be handwashed or dry cleaned. Not worth the trouble. I still hang up those items that are classified as delicate though.

    God bless.

    1. I don't mind the not being able to put it in the dryer but handwashing is becoming a don't want to do!

  2. I usually start after New Years. Putting Christmas up and decluttering those boxes usually gives me the push I need to start a whole-house cleanse.

    1. The new year is a great starting point. Since we are seriously thinking about moving though I'm feeling the need to start now.

  3. I remember when my daughter finally moved all her stuff out of our basement. It made me feel so free . . . and also so sad.

  4. It's a great idea to get a head start before you move. Did you see any areas that you liked? I'm feeling the need to declutter again, maybe it's the season???

    1. We did really like Point Richmond but need to do more research. If a house that would work came up in Kensington it is an option too as it is very close to our son's and the grandkids could walk over when they are older.

  5. We've done a lot of decluttering and rehoming in the last couple of years, but my husband is a "keeper of things I may need some day," so I can only get rid of things that belong to me.

    1. Good point - only our own stuff or agreed to decluttering!

  6. I have purged a lot right before I had my apartment painted. Like you, I do not want to clean unnecessary stuff. I felt very liberated when I got rid of some bulky items.Good luck purging!


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