
Saturday, May 14, 2022

Halfway through May! Santa Barbara, family & scholarships

May feels to me like it is flying by probably because I have been out in the world and with family and friends quite a bit. Throw in a get-away and an amazing art museum special exhibit plus some restaurant meals and nice warm weather - Wow, its been quite a while since all that came together.

I mentioned that we were going to Santa Barbara to see an art exhibit and have dinner with our son and DIL. We also walked out on the wharf, had a bit of a walk down the newish pedestrian streetscape on part of State Street and enjoyed a great breakfast at the B&B. It felt both weird and wonderful after the past 2 years.

The art exhibit, Through Vincent's Eyes: Van Gogh and His Sources, had a few marvelous Van Gogh paintings plus work of 60 other artist's who influenced him or were contemporaries. It started with how the ink illustrations in the Dicken's books he read as a child influenced his early drawings and went from there. An art history lesson with original art!

The highlight was of course this painting.

I also really liked this one by a different artist and it reminded me of the Depression Era public works murals. The frames are marvelous too. This was the only exhibit I have ever attended where you could take photos as long as you didn't use a flash - so I did.

We would definitely go back to see other exhibits and it is only an hour's drive so we wouldn't have to stay over. 

The bonus for that week was our Son and DIL stayed over on there way up to there dog sitting gig and also Mother's Day weekend on their way back.

This past week was all about my club's monthly meeting where we awarded four $1500 scholarships and installed our new board. Three of the four local high school seniors receiving scholarships were able to attend and bring parents and/or sisters as their guests. What busy and accomplished young women and men! 

Otherwise, just enjoying sitting out on our tiny patio, taking walks, a trip to the Ventura Pier and boardwalk for lunch, and reading as usual.

Hope your May is going well so far. Do you have any fun plans for the remainder of the month?


  1. I'm going to see a Van Gogh exhibit this month too! I can hardly wait. Glad you had a good trip.

  2. I am glad you enjoyed your time Juhli. My plans for the remainder of May is to go to PT every day to heal my Achilles Tendon.

  3. The days are definitely flying. Time to start Christmas shopping! :)

  4. It seems that it is starting to warm up here a bit, though the weather is still unsettled. With the warmth comes working in the garden, painting the outdoor furniture, and taking long walks early in the morning.

    What an awesome exhibit.

    God bless.


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