
Thursday, February 17, 2022

Thankful Thursday week 7

 It has been a different week after our dog’s death, but we got back to a calm feeling rather soon and decided to store our dog equipment in the attic for now in case we decide to get another rescue dog. We’ll see what happens over the next 12 months.

I treated myself to series of mystery novels in my favorite sub-genre and am thankful I could afford to load my Kindle with escape reading.

I received the kindest and very supportive comments from readers here, Facebook linked family and friends, some calls from close family, and the nicest note from a new acquaintance. Pet lovers truly understand how big a gap in the family the loss of a pet causes.

I got back into doing my 30 minute Pilates exercise with the online instructor and really enjoy it which is the key to continuing. One good thing that has come out of the pandemic is the wide selection of online exercise programs available.

Our visit to the local artist’s coop gallery was balm for our souls. 

My club got another new member which makes two this month. I am feeling encouraged about the sustainability of the group and the chance to make new friends. We are attracting some very nice people and we had a large turnout for this week’s book discussion group.



  1. Escape reading is the best. I have been doing that a great deal lately.

    God bless.

  2. So glad your book club is thriving and growing and providing you with new friendships. Yay for the mysteries uploaded on your Kindle. I rarely read during the day. Always have a book I am listening to for drives across the mountain and walks around the neighborhood.
    Glad you are open to the possibility of adopting a pup again in the future. I would like to have another puppy someday too.

  3. For all the sadness and changes that have come from the pandemic it has brought us a few good things like the online discoveries. And thank goodness for book downloads!


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