
Friday, June 4, 2021

Boredom and too much stuff!

I suspect we all know by this point that our penchant for acquiring and discarding stuff is killing the planet not to mention many people's pocket books. On the other hand our easily bored minds say "oh, look - something new/novel/interesting/etc." and we want it.

I try to be conscious of what I am acquiring but I do get really bored with some of my stuff. This is especially true of clothes. Hmmm, that probably can be explained by the social conditioning of females in our society to like having a variety of outfit choices and not wearing the same things over and over again.

Every time I think I've broken out of that mode I get the urge to "freshen my wardrobe" lol.

This summer I am resisting mightily as I know I will continue to not have anywhere to wear anything new (that foot surgery recovery - but perhaps the Dr. and physical therapist would like to see me in new clothes????).

Then there is the fact that I have ENOUGH although I do have a relatively small wardrobe. I will have to wear my less preferred items more often and finish wearing out some others as I sit on the couch or hang around the house. I'm staying strong!


  1. You and I are the exact opposites when it comes to our wardrobes. I tend to live in the same outfits for years and rarely buy anything new except underwear. Too bad we're not neighbors so our buying habits would rub off on each other. My theory is that I don't remember what anyone else wears so they probably don't remember (or care) what I wear, so I don't mind repeating outfits.

    1. I actually don't buy much but I do get bored with it all easily.

  2. Rather than discarding, how about donating the less preferred and get something you like?

    1. It’s not that I don’t like them but I also like novelty. I actually do wear out many of my clothes.

  3. Dear Juhli and Friends, what passes for clothing is specifically designed to make the buyer bored with it - that is around the 4th or 5th washing, when the (plastic) fabric starts looking shabby.

    1. True I have some knit tops I bought almost 10 years ago that are still wearable while new ones look shabby or have small holes within a year or two.

  4. Understand perfectly about wanting to "refresh" the wardrobe. I have a top to sew and I pretty much think that will be it after all I did buy a new purse a couple of weeks ago.

    God bless.

    1. I like the term refresh! My attempts to keep a small wardrobe and low turnover also have a lot to do with environmental concerns but .... I still am bored with what I see in the closet lol.

  5. I hear ya! I have filled shopping carts on multiple sites and forcing myself not to pull.the trigger.

    1. I am working on not even putting it in the shopping cart because of the ease of buying. Before computer shopping I rarely went in stores so the visual temptation was very low.

  6. Juhli, I think you've hit the nail on the head. Most of us have been conditioned to thinking we need to add new items to our wardrobe on a regular basis. Slowly, I am learning what I like to wear now that we're retired. It hasn't always been easy to find decent quality, but we're making progress. I limited myself to only buying some cotton shorts and a few tee shirts for this summer. Moving to a smaller home with less closet space has motivated me to get real about what we need and use. Hope you can continue to "stay strong."

    1. Small closets for decades here and it is a good limiter. In less than 3 weeks I’ll be recovering from bunion surgery again and having to limit what I wear even more due to the cast and then boot so I’m sure I won’t be shopping.

  7. "Getting and spending we lay waste our powers ..." William Wordsworth, "The World Is To Much with Us." I learned that one in high school ... and it's something I've remembered..

    1. I haven't heard either - thanks for sharing.

  8. I'm with you. It's a struggle. My mom LOVES to shop, and it took a lot to get over it. Now I don't enjoy it, and avoid it at all costs. I definitely have too much, but continue to pare through my things, donate, give away, etc. I'm moving more towards a capsule wardrobe.

    I gave away a gorgeous dress this weekend. I wore it 10 years ago in Las Vegas. It was a stunner, but ... I'm not 35 anymore, and it can't be worn with a bra. ;-) I passed it on to someone, and feel lighter without it. Knowing someone else will enjoy is a fantastic feeling.

  9. I'm like you about clothes. I have divided my clothing needs into the areas of my life - sitting in the living room without being seen (holey old favs), walking the dog (extra cool fabrics), visiting friends and family (best of my casual clothes) and then misc. I have finally quit buying clothes that don't fit in those categories but I still want to freshen those areas I do have.


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