
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Thankful Thursday #13 -The mostly health edition

1. Although my reaction to my second Covid-19 shot wasn’t too bad it did last longer and was different than the reaction to the first. Got the shot on Thursday afternoon and felt pretty back to normal on Sunday morning. I did wake up very early but you can only sleep so much!

2. Poodle girl is finally eating a normal amount and seems happy and playful. We were pretty worried as she dropped from 18 to 14.6 pounds over several months and now we are trying to put some weight back on her. Her blood pressure meds seem to be doing the trick to make her feel like eating. Thankful this old dog feels better and we are focusing on her quality of life by doing what we can.

3. Our granddaughter informed us she had gotten two vaccinations (routine childhood ones) and her thigh was sore after the one delivered there. Thankful her parents aren’t letting anything routine slip by and that at 4 she is very matter of fact about it.

4. Slowly my friends and family are being able to be vaccinated. Thankful that is available to them.

5. We had our HVAC serviced and it needed no repairs thankfully since it is only 4 years old.


  1. How wonderful that many of your friends and family are being vaccinated. A few days ago, a neighboring county announced that they were opening up to all ages. The National Guard is providing service in the remote, agricultural communities of our state. My husband decided to go for his shot and came back very impressed. Everything was organized and the troops were simply wonderful. We sure appreciate their efforts! I had to smile at your granddaughter telling you about her shots. I'm sure she's aware of all the talk of vaccines nowadays!

    1. Glad to hear everything is well organized where you are - here too. My granddaughter is being given honest answers at her comprehension level about COVID, quarantine, masks, etc. so she does understand quite a bit about how to prevent getting sick now and takes it matter of factly.

  2. I love hearing that more and more of us are getting our vaccinations. I'm looking forward to seeing friends and family again...without masks.

  3. Moderna has shorted us and now I am wondering if our vaccine visits will even happen. Hopefully things keep moving right along.

    Glad to read that your second shot symptoms are now gone.

    God bless.

    1. Sorry to hear about the vaccine shortage. Hang in there.

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