
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Thankful Thursday #10 -

And here we go again ----

1. It's been 7 months since my foot surgery and I summoned the courage on Saturday to take a 3.25 mile walk and had no problem! 

2. I found another pair of comfy shoes for everyday. I had to kiss a lot of "frogs" first but Amazon and I finally found a winner. Onward t

3. Our master bath has a new shower door. Installed Monday and a nice improvement in looks as well as no longer leaking.

4. Our car passed the annual smog check and the whole thing took 15 minutes plus driving time.

5. Turns out our old dog has lenticular sclerosis which results in clouded vision but doesn't have cataracts which could blind her. All we have to do is give her a night light as needed. 

6. While I was refreshing the Little Free Library at our clubhouse I found a book I've been waiting for from the library FOREVER (or so it seems when time is stuck in slow motion by a pandemic lol.) The Thursday Murder Club is now mine to read and return to its place later.

7.  Now this is S. California so it looks like Spring elsewhere but the clubhouse is looking gorgeous with flowers in full bloom, the Little Free Library moved to be right by the front walk, and a new patio, sitting area and raised bed being built. 

Eventually we will be able to use the inside again but love the new "face" we are putting out there. The original building was constructed in 1895 as the Somis school and my club took ownership in 1924. The bell tower was removed at some point and a small addition put on to rent out first as the local library, then a women's clothing store and then offices. What a legacy to protect and improve.


  1. lovely building!! Southern Ca looks so nice!

    1. It is a fun old building with a full large kitchen, 4 bathrooms, a stage and large meeting hall, a parlor, 2 offices plus the totally independent annex that has a bathroom and small kitchen. Obviously reconfigured since originally built but still has the separate boys & girls entrances and what were the cloakrooms.

  2. What a stroke of luck with that book you wanted to read showing up at the little library! Very cool.

  3. I always enjoy reading your Thankful Thursday posts. It helps me to think about my blessings. Your club house sounds like a great building and the fact that it has a rich history brings it own appeal. Enjoy your book find--isn't it interesting how the things we want/need often present themselves to us?!

  4. So many things to be thankful for. How wonderful that the book you wanted to read for so long showed up.

    God bless.

  5. Your recovery progress from surgery is such good news! And not that I'm glad the pup's vision will be cloudy, but better news that total blindness. Lovely thankful list.

  6. Can't believe it has been 7 months since your surgery. But then again it seems like a lifetime ago. So glad you were able to manage a long walk without difficulty. Yay for finding some comfy shoes. I am going to Disney World - rather unexpectedly - and wanted some walking sandals but have a pretty significant issue with my right foot so have been trying a lot of frogs, too!! Finally find some Skecher sandals that can be machine washed!!
    I always enjoy seeing a LFL that is well maintained. A+ for finding a book you have been waiting to read. Lovely gardens and building where your book club meets.

    1. Have fun with Mickey! I wish my women's club could be meeting at the clubhouse for lunch and a program which hasn't been possible in a year. We still have to maintain the building and are trying to do some improvements during our Zoom meeting time.


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