
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Happy St. Patrick's Day - otherwise known as my Grandfather's birthday

The two are forever linked for me and bring back lots of sweet childhood memories. Just yesterday I was reciting the TV shows we would watch together on Sundays when I stayed the day with my grandparents. I was about 8 - 10 I would guess.

So Sky King, Rawhide, Bonanza, Gunsmoke and more. I loved horses at that point (still do) and so this quiet time with Grandpa was a favorite. I also realize as an adult that I loved spending time with him because he didn't ask anything of me except for me to just be there and be me. What a gift.

Not to leave Grandma out although she was usually cooking and doing housework as she was a businesswoman and worked 6 days a week at the store she owned. I would walk over to their house in the summer or on Saturdays and she would help me earn pocket money by giving me small tasks to do. Or I'd just hang out and again the total acceptance of being me was such a gift.

These grandparents were my Mom's step-parents and actually not significantly older than her - about 15 to 17 years older. She cherished them especially her "Mom" who married her widowed father when my Mom was quite young.

Now that I write this I think I need to make more of a point to make sure my granddaughter feels the same level of total acceptance. She is perfect and enough all the time just as she is.


  1. Your grandmother was ahead of her time, owning business and working full-time while still being married.

    All of my grandparents were gone before my second birthday. I've always wish I'd had them. That's a very special bond.

    1. She was married 3 times. My maternal grandfather was her 2nd and he died when my Mom was about 13. She then married the grandfather I knew. She worked all her life starting as live in household help in her early teens with an elderly couple who kept her in school. I was lucky to grow up with them.

  2. I appreciate this reminder of the importance of accepting children--just the way they are. We are spending lots of time with our grand daughter, and we certainly want her to know how valuable she is to all of us! Sometimes I think most of us learn life lessons as we grow older, just for the sake of our grandchildren;)


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