
Monday, March 22, 2021

Happiness Month Monday #3

 This may look like an odd thing to bring happiness but it does! 

We bought 2 of these pots and another different one when we redid the plantings on our small patio about 3 years ago. The other plants are thriving but the one in this pot died after being infested with grubs.

It is hard to throw away things like dirt where I live now as we have restrictions on the amount of trash that will be picked up. So I've slowly been adding a bag or two of dirt each week to the trash and I'm finally done.

I decided a lavender plant would work well and a friend offered to have her landscaper son order one for me along with a larger order he was placing. Now all we have to do is scrub the pot, bleach it and rinse well. 

I see this patio often during each day and enjoy the plantings and their various flowers. Once the plant arrives we can hopefully enjoy it for a long time.


  1. The pot has very interesting lines, I can see why you like it. I think a lavender plant would be perfect in there.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks. The other of the pair has a very healthy fern in at at the opposite corner of the patio.

  2. Re-potting plants when you don't have a yard sounds challenging. Glad the empty pot makes you happy. I can see why.

    1. It is more the idea of having a healthy pretty plant in it again. A process.

    2. Juhli, I know what you mean about pots and plants in your yard. I'm lucky in that if I ever decide to turn over a pot or plant, my daughter is there with outstretched hands. Ha.

  3. Oh, lavender will bring your multiple sensory pleasure!! Love the fragrance. And the delicate purple blooms. Great choice.

  4. Juhli, I know you remember life in the midwest. Whenever I want to dump a pot, I go to the edge of the field and give it a toss. Life is different for you now. I made the somewhat difficult decision not to plant a garden this year. I'm only going to plant a few big pots of flowering annuals, too. We're trying to make some wiser choices and want to be able to keep up with the demands. I like your idea of planting lavender...I love its fragrance!

    1. LOL, I left the Midwest in 1967 after high school but did live in Atlanta for 20 years. We would have more plantings I think but the HOA regs mean only our patio is ours. It has actually been a nice chore break as there are lots of lovely trees, shrubs and flowers around.


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