
Saturday, March 27, 2021

Getting things done today - a busy dozen

I've got a gripping headache this morning probably because of weather system changes. Best to put on some cheerful colors, take some Tylenol, drink more coffee and keep busy! 

Giving myself a big to do list. I'll update it later in the day to see how I did!

UPDATE: As usual housecleaning was the lowest priority and didn't get done - there is always tomorrow

1. Do laundry for the week including hand washing a sweater. DONE

2. Meet service project leaders at clubhouse, take photos of items collected and chat. DONE

3. Clean and update Little Free Library while there. DONE

4. Clean kitchen surfaces and inside of frig.

5. Make brown sugar almond muffins. DONE 

6. Take dog for a good longish walk - she is almost 12 so not too long. DONE 

7. Send out emails to club board and all members. DONE

8. Post photo of service project results on club Facebook page. DONE

9. Transfer funds to cover upcoming re-insulation of attic. We get a discount for paying cash (and for being old lol). DONE  

10. Write checks for first of month payments for estimated Fed and state taxes as well as granddaughter's 529 contribution. DONE 

11. Rotate mattress (Hubby did it) & make bed. DONE

12. Stirred up a new jar of peanut butter (hate this job)  DONE

Nap with the dog then pick up a bottle of wine!


  1. it is rotate mattress time again isn't it. Thanks for the reminder. Your list is VERY long for just one day.

    1. Otherwise I would put my head on a pillow all day! Hubby rotated the mattress for me.

  2. I hate doing chores when I have a headache. Truth be told, I could have left off "when I have a headache" and still been accurate. :) Hope you feel better, and proud of yourself for jobs well done!

    1. I'm with you! I keep trying to think of them as the same as brushing my teeth but ....

  3. All I did today was vacuum the bedroom. And I didn't even have a headache. I am super impressed!

    1. Is vacuuming the male retirement chore lol? My husband does it too - plus lots of other things thank goodness.

  4. Gosh you got lots done--even with a headache. You mentioned your dog being 12. Our son has a 12-yr-old lab and we hadn't seen them for 13 months (Covid). Since our weather is nicer, we decided to get together outdoors and he brought along his dog. I couldn't believe how gray and white her snout has become in the past year. Our pets age and change much like us! Hope you're feeling better!

    1. Labs are so sweet and glad she is still enjoying outings. Our little poodle is white so we don't see those changes but she has developed lots of health problems in the past 4 to 6 months. Still lots of tail wags, toy play and cuddles so quality of life is fine.

  5. You did very well on your list. Sorry that you had a headache.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks. It was just do to weather system changes it seems.

  6. What a productive day. I love days like that. I was bouncing all over the place today. Got some things done but nothing to write home about. Your muffins sound scrumptious, and so does your nap and bottle of wine!

  7. That is one mighty big list to complete even without a headache.I will enjoy taking the dog for a walk, and coming home to eat the muffins. Hope the weather changes for the better.

  8. Ahaha, I hate stirring up a new jar of peanut butter as well! I always seem to get left the last bit so I get to clean out the old one, too!
    - Dar @ anexactinglife


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