
Monday, February 22, 2021

Tech month Monday #3 - I’ve got next to nothing

 Well I did lose two days to the blahs from the first shot side effects and then most of the rest of the week due to lack of interest lol.

I did move some photos into the correct year’s folder and made a big dent in sorting emails about the club into category specific folders. Still have to finish that and delete those not needed.

I found I have an email from Dropbox with links to info on how to use it for all sorts of things so need to get to that. 

Several of you gave very helpful and specific suggestions about backup storage. Much thanks. Still undecided.

I did say at the start that this was likely a two month project due to low motivation but it needs doing. Have added to my list creating a back up of phone numbers in case they aren’t accessible on our phone during an emergency.

We have been having a big think and some serious discussion with our younger son about w(at the science says about our visiting them once we are two weeks past the second shot. We are all researching whether we might put them at risk of being infected ( could we still get infected, not know it and transmit it?) as they are too young too get vaccines yet. And then there is the question of whether or no that Grandgirl could infect us and would we get sick? Pending more data we are all thinking we would all be very low risk as we are going to continue our low risk, protective measures lifestyle. It is the S. African and Brazilian variants that seem to pose the most questions right now. Progress though.


  1. I know, everything is so confusing. We still haven't been able to find vaccinations available. I may be wrong, but I thought I understood that those who have been immunized are way less likely to catch it and even if they do, it wouldn't be as severe a case. My understanding is also that we can possibly pass it on to others. The whole variant thing is a big question mark for me.

    1. My understanding is the same as yours. We are most concerned that we might infect our Berkeley family but we went to see them in December after being extra careful for 2 weeks. Hope you can find a vaccine date soon.

  2. I really miss family time spent together! Our daughter is a nurse and has received both of her vaccinations. I'm 2 weeks out from my first dose. On Monday, I hugged her for the first time in over a year. I almost wept--didn't expect that, but it made me realize how much we need one another. I don't think we'll take hugs and kisses for granted ever again!

    1. So glad you both got that hug! I teared up a bit just reading this.


Road trip part 3 - Diving conditions and challenges

I got a bit more than I had in mind when I said I wanted to get my freeway driving confidence back! Between human behavior, construction zon...