
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

14 days to inauguration and guaranteed failure attempted coup day BUT the Senate!

UPDATE: I wrote this early this morning and then was not watching TV or following the news until just recently. Is this what Ted Cruz and the rest want - an attempted coup? I can see that it is what Trump wants and it feeds his narcissism, strongman wannabe, and conspiracy fantasies - but really? I do hope they find ways to charge them all with crimes that have serious jail terms.


I was thrilled to wake up this morning to hear that it really looks like the Dems will control the Senate. Stacey Abram’s revenge is so great to see. Hopefully it will continue in Georgia’s future elections and in other states. Those Senators and representatives trying to overturn the vote should watch out next time they are up for election. 

BTW, I lived in DeKalb county when we lived inAtlanta and just a few blocks from Fulton county. It was a great place to live and I am thrilled at the Dem voter turnout.

But if you want to ignore what is going on today in Congress here are some official national days to celebrate .

January 6


  1. I wish I could. It looks more like Venezuela than the US watching stuff in real time.

    1. I've been working on something and just learned about that. If it was happening in another country we could call it an attempted coup. Hope they throw them all in jail for a very long time.

  2. Just saw twitter shut down Trumps account. Finally. Also Congress should immediately charge him with impeachment or remove him by the 25 Amendment. Impeachment would prohibit him from ever holding office again.

  3. It is 2 a.m. here, and I can't sleep. I am SO angry! That idiot Ted Cruz is my Senator. He's just serving his constituents? Really? Not this one, Ted, you no good Mouse Fart.

    1. Texas needs its own Stacey Abrams get out the Democratic voters movement. Hope you got some sleep.

  4. A sickening day that will live forever in history. We have always been two America's, and now the question is which one moves forward?

    We donated to Stacey Abram's campaign, so I take heart in that. My anger, however, knows no bounds and there are people in our family, and in our circle, that I am afraid to speak to at the moment as a result. I will potentially slay them with my words, so I know I need to take some days first to calm down.

    1. Tough decisions ahead regarding relationships for lots of people.

  5. Although yesterday was a deeply disturbing day in DC, I hope that minds and hearts will be opened to see the truth. I also hope that lawmakers will continue to take a strong stand to unite for the good of our entire nation.

    1. I agree but what to do about the incredible number of congressional Republicans who voted to not accept Arizona's and Pennsylvania's electoral votes?


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