
Friday, January 8, 2021

12 days to inauguration

 Hmmm - what to say.

I do like Biden’s cabinet nominations and his point that the Justice Dept is not there to protect him but rather to protect the Constitution and laws of the country. Can the damage done by the current Justice dept and the Education, EPA, Interior, Homeland Security, HHS etc, cabinet secretaries all be reversed? More hope with a Democratic Senate now.

I am hating that Pence and McConnell are getting praise for the one time they stood up to Trump’s insanity but at least they did. There was one death due to violence during the insurrection that Trump kicked off and a second now that a Capitol police officer died as a result of injuries from assault during it. I won’t blame him for the 3 deaths from medical emergencies but they might not have happened if their was no riot. Will he be held to account in any way?

And yesterday a new record of more than 4,111 residents of the US dying from COVID-19. In just December 140,000 more jobs were lost. Even the Murdoch controlled WSJ has called for Trump to resign.

All the officials of Trump administration are complicit in enabling this awful and deadly administration. And resigning in less than 2 weeks before the administration ends isn’t an act of conscience or courage. It is rats jumping a sinking ship.

Not that I have strong feelings about the situation lol. 

So no thankful Thursday today but on the personal front things were more positive. We were finally able to return borrowed medical equipment to the HOA office, dropped off a bunch of food our dog won’t eat anymore at the animal shelter, and returned the puzzles and games a friend lent for our Christmas. The club’s Little Free Library if getting lots of use in its new location. We made our favorite turkey and bean chili for dinner and added a salad. Everyone in our little circle is still COVID free although other serious health problems are afflicting some as is the usual case in life.

How are you and your circle doing?


  1. I loved the anchor (don't know name) that said those resigning the administration at this point are not doing so in protest, "they're just leaving the arena early to avoid traffic."

    Thank you for your kind and calming words in comment to my recent post. I edited the post after sleeping on it.

    1. I like what that anchor said & hadn't heard it put that way before. Thanks for your own post.

  2. I love what that anchor said. What absolutely floors me is that still some are saying antifa were the ones who did all the damage. This even after proof that those they were saying were of that persuasion were actually Trump followers or members of neo Nazi groups.

    I do hope that President elect Biden can smooth the waters. He is coming into a terrible situation.

    God bless.

    1. I hope that he can reverse the tide too and that there isn't more violence.

  3. Thankful that everyone in your circle is healthy. Our numbers seem to be creeping up. Worried that we might be going in to second wave.

    1. It has exploded in S Cal so we are all fingers crossed. Stay healthy.

  4. Our circle is still healthy, thank goodness, and we continue to try to be vigilant. Sometimes it's hard to believe that we are nearing the one-year mark since the threat of Covid 19 first struck our world. Although this has been a horrible week, I am grateful that the truth has been revealed. Many of our leaders who have held the highest offices, have failed their posts, miserably. Maybe these failures will ignite a new resolve among our leaders--both the newly elected as well as those who have a long history of public service.

    1. Yes. If we can just get past the inauguration without more deaths and violence then it will be interesting to see what individual consequences and legislative outcomes occur. Meanwhile COVID-19 rages and people are suffering and dying.


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