
Thursday, December 17, 2020

No open ICU beds in S Cal

 This is the scariest news yet for my area. Hunkering down as are my local son and DIL who are still spending Christmas weekend with us. We all are only picking up groceries otherwise. Sadly everything else about the situation is out of my control. It breaks my heart though.


  1. Breaks my heart, too. There are places around the country that have turned parking garages and waiting rooms into Covid wards. Our state is one of many that have set up tent field hospitals and yet our president still will not wear a mask and set an example for people who hang on his every word.

    1. They are setting up those kind of facilities here too but there aren’t enough trained staff to go around either. I can’t even imagine how stressed and overwhelmed staff are now.

  2. Sometimes when I watch the news, I find myself thinking, "Is this really happening in America?" Who could have imagined this even one year ago? Stay safe, Juhli. When I saw that there are some areas of S Cal where ambulances wait for over 6 hrs to deliver patients, I thought of you. I keep thinking just a little while longer, and we'll all get vaccinated against this lousy virus!

    1. And the Central Valley of California is even worse but that is where we encountered people without masks in restrooms at highway rest stops. If only the negligent and selfish got sick it wouldn’t be so bad.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Sue, can you please share your thoughts on how to deal with the current ICU situation then? If people are dying that would not die otherwise due to there being no available medical personnel, such as occurring in many states right now, is that just a 'too bad' situation as far as you are concerned?

  3. Oh my. You stay safe and well. The second wave of this virus is certainly worse than the first wave.

    God bless.

  4. We have five in my county or did Thursday. I continue to stay completely at home or walk outside and only do delivery pickup, and visit SIL and daughter every two weeks. She just had her 30th negative covid test as has he (both jobs require them) and as she works as a therapist in nursing homes she should have her vaccine this week, thank heavens.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...